One of the things that makes Spring unusual is the speed- can you feel it? It is echoed/powered by the rapid increase in daylight leading up to spring equinox. Speed is great fun, and of course, brings its own dangers. Especially for the Earth constitution. Earth, by its nature, is somewhat plodding. It’s steady- think of the ox ploughing a field. Row after row, day after day, sunup to sundown. Earth does this very well, but at this time of year, the temptation to join the battle charge can be so delicious…
Now imagine a pair of oxen in their traces charging down the row towards you at full speed…not so fun. Bad for business…
None of this is helped by the delightful discombobulation of daylight savings…
So we have multiple factors. Speed, light, and birth/growth happening everywhere. Hence Whack-a-mole. You may have already noticed that there’s a LOT going on right now. Kaboom- all the possibilities are bursting up in abundance. Not just plants, but also unforeseen opportunities, unplanned changes, and left-field curveballs. Remember- ten thousand things are born in Spring- but not all of them will successfully fly the nest. Spring winds and frosts bring the pruning, the natural selection of what will be hardy enough to flourish in the next season. So choose wisely. Without a grand plan, you’re gonna be stuck in whack-a-mole…
Note that in Nature, trees do not grow and flourish alone. The Wood element (as well as Earth) strongly relates to community. Whack-a-mole is more fun with friends…
So to successfully negotiate Spring, we need to engage with our fearless stalwarts. The Wood element manifesting in Spring is led by the Liver and Gallbladder. The Liver is deeply linked to our eyes and vision, hence images are useful. Here’s your visuals-

The Gallbladder is also one of the extraordinary fu and as such, gives us the power to survive extraordinary circumstances. That is a superpower.
OK- let’s get one thing out of the way.
“But I no longer have my gallbladder!?!”
In Western medicine, it’s all about the organ. In East Asian medicine, it’s all about the system. Hence we speak of the Liver Official which, yes, manifests as an organ, but more importantly manifests as a movement, a mandate that is present of every aspect of body mind and spirit. Granted, you’re not going to make it far without the liver organ. But you can live without a gallbladder organ. What we cannot do is live without the Gallbladder’s ability to carry out the master plan of the liver, whether this is planning your next career move or are you having ribs or wings? So rest easy, the Gallbladder official is still there for you, assisting in the myriad movements needed to carry out the mission.
Which brings us to strategy. Strategy derives from the Liver’s role of housing the Hun which is one of the five spirits (yes, in this model, we have five not one.) As such, the Hun is able to leave the body. It does this at night when we are asleep during the hours governed by the Liver and Gallbladder aka 11pm to 3am real time (midnight to 4 now in DST.) If we are asleep at this time, the Hun travels out to receive the grand plan from the Divine. So if there is one time of day to not have your head in the fridge or binge-watch Better Call Saul, this would be it.
Clinically, I see a lack of grand plan in patients who routinely stay up into the wee hours. Especially folks who smoke pot consistently. (Marijuana seems to whack the Gallbladder especially). One week, the person is telling you about the hotdog stand they’re opening. The next week, it’s a reptile shop. Indecision rules, generally leading to poor choices…
Spring reaches maximum velocity at the equinox and then carries forward at a steady roll. Choose wisely.